Flow Study: Easy Pose
Sukhasana, or easy pose, is a meditative sitting posture that tones the spinal muscles, opens the hips, and promotes focus.
Flow Study: Sphinx Pose
A mini-backbend, Sphinx pose strengthens the back and opens the chest and shoulders.
Flow Study: Goddess Pose
A powerful, heat-building posture, Goddess pose strengthens the legs, hips, glutes, and ankles, and may help promote balance and stability.
Flow Study: Certified Sound Healer Jaclyn Jewett
The story behind Jaclyn Jewitt’s sound baths—from a love of music to healing with sound.
Flow Study: Head-to-Knee Pose
Deepen your experience of Janu Sirasana, or head-to-knee pose, a posture that lengthens the hamstrings, strengthens the back, and calms the nerves.
Flow Study: The Work of Elena Brower
An exploration of the work of Elena Brower, yoga teacher, painter, and writer.
Flow Study: Warrior III
Virabhadrasana III, or Warrior III, is a standing balance pose that energizes the body and promotes better balance and posture. Here's how to take flight in this posture.
Flow Study: Warrior II
Virabhadrasana II, or Warrior II, is a standing yoga pose that builds physical strength and courage. Here's how to build this fierce pose into your practice.
Flow Study: The Yoga Off East Blog
Flow Study is the name of the Yoga East Blog. It's an exploration of flow yoga, artistic flow, and the intersection where art and yoga meet.